
Announcements – March 8, 2018 – Day B

Today’s Lunch Menu:  Walking taco, Green beans, Strawberry/banana, Milk

Tomorrow’s Breakfast:  Cereal/toast or French toast, Fruit, Milk

Tomorrow’s Lunch:  Pizza, Corn, Pineapple, Milk

*  Boys golf practice will begin after school on Monday, March 19, in the Wellness Center. Golfers are reminded to have their physicals updated and filed with the school. 

* Many of you are already aware, West Fork 5th grade student Emersyn Brown has recently been diagnosed with b cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia.  She is currently at Mayo Clinic in Rochester for treatment. To help support Emersyn and her family we would like to ask for cash donations to help the family out as they begin this big battle.  Please have all donations to school by FRIDAY.     Thank You

***When we return from spring break, each grade will be creating a basket for the community fundraiser on April 7.  More information about this fundraiser will be sent home the week of March 19th.

*   On Thursday, March 8th at 9:45 am we will hold an assembly for grades 8-12th grade in the south gym.  The topic will be texting/driving story told by a parent of a high school daughter.  This is a required event to attend unless you have a scheduled NIACC or Academy class.
 *  Mr. Nuehring and our school nurse have scheduled times and days for you to sign up for CPR.  You are required to complete CPR certification for graduation.  
Thursday, March 8th- 1:30-3:15
Friday, March 9th- 1:30-3:15

*  Dance team tryout practice will now be March 9th now from 5-6:30 with the tryout being March 10.  See signup in office.

The link for the West Fork scholarship website can now be found on the West Fork CSD web page under the Students & Parents tab.  Many of the deadlines for these scholarships are fast approaching.  Please start reviewing your scholarship options today!

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