
Announcements – October 19, 2018 – Day A

Today’s lunch menu:  Grilled chicken breast/bun, Carrots, Pineapple, Milk

Monday’s breakfast menu:  Cereal/toast, or Mini pancake, Fruit, Juice, Milk

Monday’s  lunch menu:  BBQ pork on a bun, Sweet potato puffs, Baked beans, Pears, Milk


  • This week is National School Lunch Week!!  Please thank our lunchroom staff for all they do!!!!
  • The boys’ freshman and varsity locker rooms will be locked at 3:30 today for tonight’s football game against North Union. Good luck tonight on Senior night, Warhawks!
  • Congratulations to McKenna Weaver on qualifying for the state Cross Country meet!
  • Would the following seniors please stop in the office:  Miranda Bannister, Adam Gustin, Michael Lunning, Trey Pfeffer, Mikenzi Roberts, Kyle Rooney, Treven Timmerman
  • Picture retakes are scheduled for Friday, October 19 at the Sheffield building.  They will start with elementary with HS to follow.. If you are having retakes – you must bring back your picture packet.  Order forms are in the office.
  • The National Honor Society is doing a “dum dum bouquet”.  You will get 8 suckers for $4 – order forms can be picked up in the office and are due by Friday, October 19th.  Bouquets will be delivered on Halloween, October 31st.


The Franklin County Extension is looking for volunteers to help with the 2nd-5th Grade Rockwell           STEAM Club. The club meets in the FCS Room in the Rockwell school on the following October dates and times:

 Thursday, October 18th from 3:15-4:45 p.m.

 More dates available through May.  Watch for those in future announcements.

Contact Mrs. Otten at if you are interested!


  • Upon returning to school after being absent from the building, the student is required to check in at the office.
  • Access to the Internet is a privilege that is available to qualified users. Students become qualified users by reading and signing the WEST FORK High School Internet Use Agreement” form and securing parental signatures on the “WEST FORK High School Internet Use Agreement” form. Once a student becomes a qualified Internet user, his/her privilege of continued use is predicated on adhering to the terms of use as found in the “Internet Use Agreement”. Students who are found to be in violation shall be subject to the loss of Internet access privileges, school disciplinary action in accordance with board policy, and/or appropriate legal action.
  • Seniors-Please make sure you clean up after yourselves in the student lounge.  Remember that this is the first thing that visitors see when they walk into our building.  Take pride in your area!
  • Now that cooler weather has moved in, please dress accordingly.  Coats and blankets should remain in your lockers.
  • A NIACC Representative will be at the school all day on Monday, October 29, to register students for spring semester courses. A CareerLink brochure that lists courses offered is available for pick up beforehand to review.



Life Is Short.  Do Stuff That Matters!!!

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