Announcements – September 6, 2019 – Day B
Daily Announcements
Today’s Lunch Menu: Crispitos, Mexican rice, Carrots, Pears
Monday’s Breakfast Menu: Cereal/toast or Mini pancakes, Fruit
Monday’s Lunch Menu: Grilled chicken/bun, Green beans, Mandarin oranges
Choice 1- Chef salad Choice 2 – Egg salad sandwich
- Football bus for Lake Mills departs at 4:00 today from the shed. Good luck against the Bulldogs!
- Cheer suburbans depart Sheffield at ?:?? And Rockwell at ?:?? Today.
- Congratulations to the Volleyball team for their win over Northwood-Kensett last night! Way to go, girls!
- A recruiter from the Army National Guard will be here on Tuesday, September 10th at 11:15. Please stop by if you have any questions!
- A representative from Iowa Central Community College will be here on Wednesday, September 11th at 2:15. Seniors may receive a free gift for stopping by!!!
- If bringing a non West Fork student to the Homecoming dance, you will need to come to the office and sign them up and pick up a permission form. The permission forms are due on September 18 by 3:00pm.
- Friday of Homecoming you may order pizza for lunch. The order forms are in the office. If placing an order you will need to have the money too.
- Please remember to turn any athletic forms into Alex Brayton as soon as possible.
- NHS meetings are scheduled on the first Tuesday of each month during Warhawk time.
- If you purchased an activity pass, please stop in the office.
- Upcoming dates: September 16-20 – Homecoming Week
September 17 – School Pictures (Sheffield campus)
September 21 – Homecoming Dance
Safe – Outstanding Citizens – Accountable – Respectful
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