
Monday, May 24th 

Hello Warhawks!

Today is Monday, May 24th

Day 3


 Meals: May Menu

Lunch-Popcorn Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Carrots, Pears.


Breakfast- Cereal/ OR Cook’s Choice.

Lunch- Pork Tenderloin/ Bun, Baked Beans, Peaches.


-40’s or below Coat, Hats, Gloves.

 50’s Layers

 60’s or Higher preferred choice

-Preschool Registration is open please visit links to download the registration form.


 The 4-year-old Preschool program is full at this time. Please call to be placed on the cancellation list.

Sports/ Activities:


  • No late start Wednesday, May 26th. School will start at the normal time 8:15 a.m.

  • Thursday, May 27th- Is the last day of school. Classes will be dismissed at 1:00 p.m. After School Program will be available until 6:00 p.m.

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