Testimonials 2

  • Congratulations to everyone at WestFork School who had a part in making this happen for him.

    Dennis Foss, Facebook comment about Dakota Reason article

    What a thrill for Dakota and his parents! He made the Globe Gazette and now USA Today's high school sports website. Congratulations to everyone at WestFork School who had a part in making this happen for him. You are to be commended!!

  • Love the energy they bring!

    Kacy Larson, Facebook comment about the pep band

    Have truly enjoyed the pep band this season. Love the energy they bring! Great work.

  • Thank you girls

    Mary Schlichting, Facebook comment about NIACC girls basketball players coming to read to elementary students

    Thank you to NIACC students for coming to our students, shows respect to younger students.  Thank you girls.

  • I am impressed!

    Dana Dotson, Facebook post about Dakota Reason

    I am impressed, the kids at this school and their adults are the best