

Welcome to the 2022-2023 Student Registration!

Student Registration INSTRUCTIONS

Families who are new to the district: New Enrollment

 Families with returning studentsParent JMC
If you have forgotten your password, you can select forgot password on the login screen to reset it.

All payments will be made via JMC for registration and Lunch Deposits

 Under Register for 2022-2023

1Select Complete the Register 2022/2023
2Next, Fill out Custom Fields, Lunch & Health Forms
3Payments can be made during the registration process under the Tuition/Fees
4You can mail or deliver payments and forms to the school. (Separate checks are requested for lunch deposits.)
5Then please complete and return all required forms listed below.
Fee Form Required each school year. One per family. (Only if not paying fees online via JMC)
Health Form Required each school year. One per student. (Fill out on JMC) Rockwell Campus Nurse


Sheffield Campus Nurse

Ethnicity Form Required once for all students entering the district. (New families only/Preschool)
Home Language Form
(English Version) or
(Spanish Version)

Required ONCE for all students entering the district.

To fill out forms on a computer:

  1. Click on the link to a form
  2. Type information into the form
  3. Save as (Choose PDF) You can select print, and then select save to PDF that way.
  4. *Save in a place you can easily find it such as your documents or your desktop.
  5. *Save to a new name using your last name.
  6. *Each form will need a separate file name.
  7. Print forms to hand-deliver or mail to school or email as attachments to
    PLEASE SETUP AN APPOINTMENT before dropping off forms by calling (641) 822 3234 or (641) 892 4461

To handwrite forms:

  1. Click on forms listed (one at a time)
  2. Print forms–double-sided if your printer has this feature
  3. Fill out by hand and deliver to West Fork Community School, PO Box 60, Rockwell, Iowa 50469
    PLEASE SETUP AN APPOINTMENT before dropping off forms by calling (641) 822 3234 or (641) 892 4461

Preschool Registration Forms: Contact Ashley Flatebo (

Free and Reduced Meal Information, Instructions, & Application

Hawk-i Health Coverage: hawk-i

Iowa offers hawk-i health care coverage for uninsured children of working families. No family pays more than $40 a month. Some families pay nothing at all.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the school office at 641-822-3234.

or email:

Submit To Athletic Director Tyler Borchardt Athletic Physical Exam Form
Heads Up Concussion Form
Permission To Practice Form


Booster Club Membership Form

 K-12 Supply List
 Submit Forms (VIA JMC) To Paula MonroeFree/Reduced Meal Application
How To Apply for Free/Reduced.


Nutrition Account Procedures

 Submit Forms To Samantha Sturges After School Program
 Purchase Your Middle School Yearbook
Purchase Your High School Yearbook
 Submit To Transportation Director Tony LaudnerTransportation Request Form