
Announcements – May 10, 2018 – Day A

Today’s lunch menu:  Chicken fajita w/fixings, Green beans, Mandarin oranges, Milk

Tomorrow’s breakfast menu:  Cereal/toast, Breakfast pizza, Choice of fruit,  Juice, Milk

Tomorrow’s lunch menu:  Shrimp, Mashed potatoes, Broccoli, Fruit cocktail, Milk

  • Small gym lockers rooms will be off limits this Thursday.
  • Seniors – As your high school career draws to a close, it is possible that you have money owed  (lunch money, book fees, computer fees, etc.).   These items will need to be paid before your final check out!  If you have any questions, please stop in the office.  Thanks
  • A message from Mrs. Ubben:  Thank you seniors for the beautiful plant.  This quote sums up our trip – Don’t be afraid of fear.  Because it sharpens you, it challenges you, it makes you stronger; and when you run away from fear, you also run away from the opportunity to be your best possible self.  -Ed Helms      You were your best possible self!!
  • Graduation will be May 20th at 2:00 pm in the South gym.  Seniors last day of school will be May 18th – this will be the day that Chrome books are turned into Mr. Burt.
  • May 16th will be Senior breakfast at 9:00 am in the north gym with Graduation practice to follow.  Also, that evening will be Senior awards night at 6:30 with Baccalaureate to follow in the South gym.
  • All NIACC Books must be returned by Friday, May 11th.  Please drop your books off in the high school conference room labeling them and adding your name and book information to the list provided.
  • Seniors if you have received a scholarship or award that  and would like to have it recognized at Awards Night on May 16th please fill out the required information in the high school office by Friday, May 11th.
  • Heath Walton 3 on 3 Tournament :  A fund raising event for Heath Walton who has been diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.  The tournament will be Saturday, May 12th @ 1:00 pm.  Located at “The Church of the Living Word” in Hampton.  If you are interested in more information come to the office.
  • Wednesday, May 30th is a regular school day, there is no late start.  The last day of classes will be June 1st.
  • Summer Job Openings:  Henkel Construction – $13.50 per hour.  If interested contact Tim Bray at (641) 425-9578 for further information or to apply.  You can also apply online at
  • Please pick up the May softball schedule in the office.
  • There is a Drivers Education sign-up sheet in the office.  Mr. Tudor tentatively plans on starting the class sometime in mid-June with it ending at the end of J

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