
Friday, September 6th Day 4

Today is Friday, September 6th Day 4
Lunch- Crispitos, Mexican Rice, Carrots, Pears.
Breakfast- Cereal/ Toast OR Mini Pancakes, Fruit
Lunch- Grilled Chicken/Bun, Green Beans, Mandarin Oranges.
NIACC family Stem festival flyer’s are being sent home with elementary student’s today. Flyer available in link. 
Homecoming week is September 16-20. Below is the link for the elementary dress guide.
Homecoming Dress up week: Click Link to download. 
Rockwell Library After School Program- Will begin Monday, September 9th @ 3:45. This will be a standing program for the year unless otherwise notified on Facebook Page. This is available for grades Kindergarten-4th.
MS Cross Country Meet
Tuesday September 10th – Away vs. Belmond @ 4:15 p.m.
Location: Belmond Country Club 
Bus Dismissal 2:35 PM  Leaves: 2:45 PM
Thank you and have a wonderful weekend!

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