
Announcements – August 24, 2018 – Day A

Today’s lunch menu:  Pizza, Carrots, Bread/butter, Pineapple, Milk

Monday’s breakfast menu: Cereal/toast, or Mini pancakes, Fruit, Juice, Milk

Mondays lunch menu: Chicken patty/bun, Mashed potatoes, Broccoli/cheese, Applesauce, Milk

Cheerleaders and Pep band are to be dismissed today at 2:50pm to prepare for the Pep rally.

Both Varsity and Freshman BOYS locker rooms will be locked after school for visiting FB team use. Please gather your things prior to the end of the day.

If you paid for an activity ticket -please pick it up in the office today. You will need it to get into the game tonight.

Varsity football vs. St. Ansgar tonight at 7:00pm. Good luck Warhawks!!

I hope you had a wonderful first day of school and year your is off to a great start! I realize that the schedule change appointments filled up very quickly. I, along with other staff members have been working hard to make changes to schedules as efficiently as possible. If you were unable to schedule an appointment with me, please come in when you can and I’ll try to work you in. If you come down and see that the office is full, I would ask that you come back at a later time as we need to keep the congestion to a minimum. Also, it is helpful if you can email me ahead of time so I have an idea of what needs to be changed.
Please note that I will be unavailable tomorrow from 12:00 – 2:00.
Thank you for your patience!
Mrs. Lillquist
Have a great weekend!

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