Announcements – August 31, 2018 – Day A
Today’s lunch menu: Shrimp, Baked beans, Coleslaw, Fruit cocktail, Bread/butter, Milk
Tuesday’s breakfast menu: Cereal/toast, or Egg Omelet, Fruit, Juice, Milk
Tuesday’s lunch menu: Popcorn chicken, Mashed potatoes, Carrots, Bread/butter, Applesauce, Milk
- NHS meeting on September 11th during Warhawk time in Mrs. Sear’s room.
- No School – Monday, September 3rd in observance of Labor Day.
- Boys varsity and freshman locker rooms need to cleared out after school and will be unavailable after 3:30 for tonight’s football game against Lake Mills. Good luck to the football boys!!
- Please come to the office to pick up football pictures.
- National Honor Society applications are a available for juniors and seniors with a cumulative GPA of 3.2 or higher. See Mrs. Sears for details
- Applications for NHS are due by Friday September 14th.
- If a student is absent, the parent is asked to notify the office. The school phone system is setup to take messages 24 hours a day (for calls before or after the office is open).
- Upon returning to school after being absent from the building, the student is required to check in at the office.
- Access to the Internet is a privilege that is available to qualified users. Students become qualified users by reading and signing the WEST FORK High School Internet Use Agreement” form and securing parental signatures on the “WEST FORK High School Internet Use Agreement” form. Once a student becomes a qualified Internet user, his/her privilege of continued use is predicated on adhering to the terms of use as found in the “Internet Use Agreement”. Students who are found to be in violation shall be subject to the loss of Internet access privileges, school disciplinary action in accordance with board policy, and/or appropriate legal action.
- Parking–please make sure you are parking in designated areas.
- Please remember that cell phones should not be out during passing time. Keep them in a pocket, bag, or locker. Teachers are asked to send students to the office if they see phones.
- If you paid for an activity pass, please stop in the office.
- Picture Day is scheduled for, Tuesday, September 18th.
- Seniors: Starting Tuesday, September 4, seniors are only required to stay for Warhawk time and lunch when we have homeroom or a student is requested by a teacher. Thank you to all seniors for you patience and flexibility with our open campus policy.
- Students, please make sure you are aware of our school policies, specifically regarding parking, cell phones, and the dress code. Now that we are back into a routine during the school day, the expectations should be upheld. Thank you for your cooperation!
The Key to Success is Consistency!!
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