Announcements – January 10, 2019
Today’s lunch menu: Chicken nuggets, Tri tater, Carrots, Pineapple, Bread/butter, Milk
Tomorrow’s breakfast menu: Cereal/toast or breakfast sandwich, Fruit Juice or Milk
Tomorrow’s lunch menu: Crispito, Mexican rice, Broccoli, Applesauce, Milk
- Girls Track Sign-Up Meeting during Warhawk Time on Thursday, January 17th.
- NIACC books are due now – please make sure that you turn them in. Thanks!!
- Students taking a NIACC class next semester that would like a NIACC ID can have their picture taken next Tuesday, January 15th at 2:00 in the high school conference room.
- Speech kids reminder: We have practice for THE PUPPET MASTER at 6:30 PM on Thursday, January 10th and Sunday, January 13th. Please be on time. Contest is January 19th.
- Monday, February 18th –School will be in session
On the school calendar this day was designated as a “No School” day.
Since we missed school on August 27 due to the power outage we will
Be making up that day on February 18, 2019.
- Jackie Burke will be here on January 14, 2019 at 11:15 to talk to the Junior girls about Girls State. This will be in the computer lab next to the media center.
- #TEAMRAFE T-Shirt order forms are in the office. Thank you for your support, these t-shirts really help Rafe stay positive as he sees all of the support that he has. Order deadline: Friday, January 11th.
- On January 12, 2019 the Booster Club will be hosting a basketball tournament as their fundraiser for jerseys for all sports . Every athlete is required to sign up to help with the score table or clock. This includes all sports.
- The next ACT Test is scheduled for February 8th. The deadline to register is this Friday, January 11. Please see Mrs. Lillquist if you have any questions!
- Upon returning to school after being absent from the building, the student is required to check in at the office.
- Seniors, if you are even considering attending college the fall, 2019 semester, please work on completing your FAFSA or Free Application for Federal Student Aid soon. If you have questions regarding the FAFSA, please see Mrs. Lillquist. If you need help filling out the FAFSA, appointments can be made with a financial aid specialist in Mason City.
- Seniors interested in attending Ellsworth Community College, there is an event on Saturday, January 19th at 10:00. It starts with registration, followed by a program. They will cover the admissions process, financial aid and student life/housing. You will hear from professors and students, take a campus tour and enjoy lunch on them. There will also be scholarship drawings! The event will conclude around 1:00. Please see Mrs. Lillquist for more information.
- VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY The Franklin County Extension is looking for volunteers to help with the 2nd-5th Grade Rockwell STEAM Club. The club meets in the FCS Room in the Rockwell school on the following dates and times:
Thursday, January 10th from 3:15-4:45 p.m.
Thursday, January 17th from 3:15-4:45 p.m.
More dates available through May. Watch for those in future announcements.
Contact Mrs. Otten at if you are interested!
Happy belated birthday, Carson Nuehring – 1/9
- It Always Seems Impossible Until It Is Done!!
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