Announcements – November 10, 2023 – Day 6
Daily Announcements
November 10, 2023 – Day 6
Alexander Heitmann – 11/6
Genevieve Foreshoe – 11/9
Kaylee Heckman – 11/9
Bryce Engh – 11/9
Austin Carlson – 11/10
Aiden Rembe – 11/10
- “Middle school girls basketball will start open gyms on Monday, November 20th in Rockwell. Open gym will be from 4:00-5:00 on Mondays. If you have any questions you can ask Mrs. Emhoff.”
- Middle School Boys Basketball- Optional practice on November 8th from 4:15-5:15. If your planning to attend, please meet in the high school cafeteria following dismissal at 2:10. A sports shuttle will take us up to Rockwell around 3:45 and return to Sheffield at 5:30
- West Fork Theatre proudly presents: The Witch’s Princess, a comedy by Don Zolidis. A cast of 15 HS and MS students will present two performances, Saturday Nov 11th 7pm and Sunday Nov 12th 2pm in the North Gym at WFHS. Free will admission. Come see these awesome actors!
- Spirit of West Fork forms are in the office for any family interested in participating. They are due back NOVEMBER 15th
- Please fill out the Google form sent out by Mrs. Payton’s Intro to Human Services Class about Kindness Week. Thanks for your prompt response. If you do not receive the email, please contact Claire Tauro.
- HS GIRLS TRACK ATHLETES: if you’re not in a winter sport, please see Coach Sears for an off-season training program
- HS BOYS AND GIRLS WRESTLING: Parent meeting on October 29th at 2 pm in the Wellness Center
- MercyOne North Iowa School of Radiology is holding a virtual program information session this month. It will be held on Wednesday, November 15th from 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM. MercyOne has opened back up job shadow opportunities for interested students age 16 and up. There are a few requirements including immunizations/flu vaccine. If you are interested in either opportunity, please see Mrs. Lillquist for more information.
- Archery sign up sheets are in the office.
- Here is the link for the lunch menu West Fork Lunch Menu
- Important dates to remember:
- Parent/teacher Conferences – October 30 and November 2
- Teacher’s Compensation Day (No School) – November 3
- Bond Referendum Vote – November 7
- Attention Juniors: Next year, as a senior, you are able to enroll in a program AT NIACC. Some of the programs offered include welding, automotive, diesel, building trades, industrial mechanics and maintenance, tool and die, information technology, industrial systems technology, heating and air conditioning technology, etc. Some of these programs fill up quickly, so don’t delay. Please see Mrs. Lillquist for more information or to get your name on the list.
- Attention Sophomores: Next year, as a junior, you are able to participate in our Rockwell Industrial Academy. If you are interested or would like more information, please see Mrs. Lillquist.
- 2023 Graduates – If you ordered a yearbook, please pick them up in the HS/MS office.
JH After Sport Practice Shuttle Schedule
Winter (Nov/Dec= G WR/B BKB, Jan/Feb= B WR/G BKB)
- After Sport Shuttle Bus Schedule (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri):
- 5:00pm – Leave Rockwell
- 5:10pm – Sheffield
- 5:30pm – Meservey
- 5:37pm – Thornton
- 5:45pm – Swaledale
- 5:52pm – Rockwell
- After Sport Shuttle Bus Schedule (Wed):
- 5:15pm – Leave Rockwell
- 5:25pm – Sheffield
- 5:45pm – Meservey
- 5:50pm – Thornton
- 5:58pm – Swaledale
- 6:05pm – Rockwell
- Classification of Absences: All absences will be classified in one of two ways:
#1 Excused Absence – Parent has notified the school and the school approves. No penalty. All work may be made up. These are limited to: personal illness, professional appointments, school activities, funerals, family vacations, emergency work at home with parents, or personal family issues – which must be shared with the principal or counselor. ● Doctor notes should be turned into the office to excuse the absence ● Oversleeping will not be excused.
#2 Unexcused Absence/Truancy -Absence for all or part of a day without prior knowledge and permission of either the student’s parent or the principal. Credit for work may be withheld. Students may be required to make up missed time or be issued a detention A letter will be sent home after 5, 10, and 15 absences each quarter Meeting with the principal.
- Just a reminder: When students are entering or leaving the building, please use the northeast entrance by the office. Anytime any student enters the building after 8:15am or exits the building before 3:00pm, it is VERY important that you check in or out at the office.
- If a student is absent, the parent is asked to notify the office. The school phone system is set up to take messages
- 24 hours a day (for calls before and after the office is open). Upon returning to school after being absent from the building, the student is required to check in with the
- office.
- Before leaving for any reason during the school day, the student is required to check in with the office prior to leaving the building. If the school has not been notified and the student is absent the office will attempt to notify the parents or guardian. Either with an email from JMC or a phone call. Please call 641-892-4461 or 641-450-5654 to leave a message with Mrs. Shreve-Building Secretary or email to
Safe – Outstanding Citizens – Accountable – Respectful
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