
Friday, February 8, 2019 – Day 1

Friday, February 8, 2019 – Day 1

Lunch Today: Hamburger/Bun, French Fries, Carrots, Pears

Breakfast Tomorrow: Cereal/Toast OR Mini Pancakes, Fruit

Lunch Tomorrow: Popcorn Chicken, Baked Beans, Applesauce, Bread/Butter

**Menu Subject to Change** 


 Next Week:
Tuesday, February 12 – 7/8 Wrestling at Belmond-Klemme – 4:15pm
West Fork PTO Fundraiser – Water bottle order forms are available in the office. Each water bottle is $7. They are clear 24 oz bottles with black flip top lid and red West Fork logo. Please make checks payable to West Fork PTO
Rockwell Library after school program will be every Monday from 3:45 pm to 4:30 pm for K-4th graders.
2019 West Fork Middle School yearbook is available to order online at Select “Student and Parents” tab at the top then choose “Buy Yearbook Online”. If you have any questions, please call the office.
Any 8th grader wanting to play high school baseball this summer – please sign up in the office.
NIACC is offering Moped Safety Classes. For more info and schedule of classes, please stop by the office.
PTO is hosting a K-8th grade talent show. March 3, 2019 at 2 pm in the Rockwell Gym. If you have a talent and would like to share it, please sign up in the office by February 12th.

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