
Thursday, April 29th

Hello Warhawks!

Today is Thursday, April 29th

Day 4


 Meals: April Menu

Lunch-Corndog, Green Beans, Peaches. 


Breakfast- Cereal/ Biscuit OR Biscuits and Gravy

Lunch- Turkey Cheese/ Bun, Chips, Carrots, Apple Slices, Cookie. 



-40’s or below Coat, Hats, Gloves. 

 50’s Layers

 60’s or Higher preferred choice


-Preschool Registration is open please visit links to download the registration form. 





 The 4-year-old Preschool program is full at this time. Please call to be placed on the cancellation list.


Sports/ Activities:

Spring Concerts 

Masks and Social Distancing are required at all events. Four guests permitted per family at this time. The concerts start at 7 p.m. Please have students in their classrooms no earlier than 6:30 p.m. and no later than 6:45 p.m.


Thursday, April 29th: 4th-5th Grade & Band.


2-5th Grade: Field Trips Friday, April 30th. Please make sure to hand in permission slips.




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