
Tuesday, May 11th 

Hello Tuesday, May 11th 

Day 6


 Meals: May Menu

Lunch- Corn Dog, Broccoli, Peaches. 


Breakfast- Cereal/ OR Cook’s Choice 

Lunch- Chicken Patty/Bun, Green Beans, Pears.



-40’s or below Coat, Hats, Gloves. 

 50’s Layers

 60’s or Higher preferred choice


-Preschool Registration is open please visit links to download the registration form. 





 The 4-year-old Preschool program is full at this time. Please call to be placed on the cancellation list.


Sports/ Activities:


Friday, May 21st 

Rain Date: Monday, May 24th 

In celebration of an awesome school year (despite all the obstacles, thanks COVID) we think it is only fitting to let the kids have some end-of-the-year fun! Each grade has planned 2 booths of either a game or craft. In preparation for this fun day, we are going to be looking for two things: material donations & volunteers. Please see the time slots below for the specific times we are needing volunteers and also a list of specific items needed. 



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